ASIJ Class Field Trip (1974)
1 Aug 2014
An all-day marine biology excursion with Mr. Alves to the Pacific Ocean at Choshi, Chiba-ken, Japan, sometime in the spring of 1974 … a ~2-1/2-hour train ride, each way, from school. (The lighthouse in one photo was identifiable as Inubosaki, on the coast at Choshi City. Here are the locations on Googlemaps: I don’t recall, now, 40-some years later, what it was we did (maybe catalog tidal pool marine life?) but it is reassuring to see that the dozen or so of us in the class were actually doing something “school-y” while we were there getting our feet wet in the tide! [Photography: Steve Sundberg]
- Untenshi [train driver].
- Farmhouses.
- The giant Buddhist statue outside Narita City, under construction? There was no airport nearby in those days.
- Inubosaki lighthouse.
- Mr. Alves.
- Mr. Alves and Robert White checking the train schedules.
- Wooo! A look inside Mr. Alves’ briefcase!
- Bringing our own entertainment with us for the long train ride.
- Tonki Kaneda.
- Zzzzzzzz.
- Zzzzzzzz. Cynthia Paule, Sophia Tang.
- Osama Al-Ghoussein, Robert White, Rob Brill, Tonki Kaneda.
- Eki hoomu [station platform].
- Walking from the station to ocean.
- I don’t recall, now, what it was we did. But, it must have involved large swaths of cheesecloth.
- Tidal pool research.
- Tidal pool research.
- Tidal pool research.
- The tidal flats … and half-dressed Mr. Alves in the background. lol
- Robert White.
- Sally sells sea shells …
- Tidal pool research.
- A local fisherman.
- Panoramic view of the beach. The next landfall ESE is Honolulu, Hawaii – 3,800 miles away over the horizon.